Monday, February 21, 2011

Me and that dude I married...

My husband is super dooper great.

Really, he is.

I've only been married to him....really only dated him, frankly.  But, I think as far as husbands go, there's not much better than him.

- He cleans the bathrooms.
- He cleans out the car....even the nasty french fry seat.
- He gives me his Christmas money so I can go buy a guitar...and all the cool guitar stuff to go with the new picks and straps and stuff.
- He makes good coffee.
- He totally pays attention to me and takes the kiddos when I have that "I know why some animals eat their young" look on my face.
- He watches ridiculous girl movies with me.
- He eats my cooking and puts up with my snoring. (yeah, how hot am I sounding right about now?...)
- He listens when I tell him to bring home chocolate or don't come home at all.
- He makes a big deal about my birthday.
- He plans trips for us....especially the good "just the two of us" kind.
- He lets me blog about him....well, this will be published for the whole world to see before he reads it, but he'll get over it.
- He usually smells good.
- He plays rock, paper, scissors with me to see which one of us has to attend to a child crying out for help in the bathroom....and he's okay with losing a lot.
- He'll paint little girl toes.
- Did I mention my snoring?  ...I feel it needs to go down twice.
- He usually gets up if the kids need something at night, since I can't hear anything in my coma-induced state of snoring hibernation station each night.
- He talks me out of crazy ideas.
- He thinks I'm cute.

But he isn't fact some of the time I'm ever so slightly annoyed with him.  The Type A thing he has going on can get to me and my slobbish ways from time to time.

'Cause sometimes I just want to be me and not take a shower until 2 in the afternoon and stand in the kitchen and eat cake right out of the pan.

Sometimes I want to smother myself in blankets on the couch in my favorite hoodie, with my iPod and my bible and check out for an hour or two, and be totally selfish and when it's time for dinner I just ask what kind of cereal everyone wants.

Sometimes I need people to understand the laundry isn't done for a perfectly good I just didn't feel like it.

His perfectly nice and organized ways interfere with my spontaneous laziness.

He doesn't appreciate Marx Brothers movies and has never watched Pride and Prejudice the whole way through with me (one of these days he might make it through the opening credits).
He has a strange and organized style of eating Oreo's (and it doesn't involve milk!) and he loves Spaghetti O's....which I insist he eat when I am out of state.  Yeah, so he's not perfect all the really I think I deserve some kuddos tolerating him and his foreign ways. (So, kuddos away people...and don't hold back!)

When I told Sean I was blogging about him, he started so say, "I have a feeling it's going to be filled with....(and he paused just long enough for Robin to spew out and finish the sentence for him) "blood, poop, vomit, teeth, boogers, fingernails!"   Yeah, he's learning that the kids and their sarcastic ways are greatly influenced by me, but he puts up with us anyway, he's a good boy.

Love you babe,
H :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things I learn from Katie Lou...

Katie is my precious and very proud four-year-old.

She is adorable and stubborn and sweet as pie.  She is extravagant and a tomboy in a Cinderalla dress and cowboy boots.  She is also wise beyond her years, and teaches me things on a daily basis:
  • Your imagination can create anything....from a wedding cake, to a blizzard, to horses in the living room and swimming on the kitchen floor.
  • A smile never hurts....neither do dimples.
  • Howler monkeys are cool.
  • Every outfit should be topped off with pink cowboy boots.
  • Each day should begin with a hug for the dog.
  • Mandarin oranges are yummy.
  • Love your BFF.
  • Give people Gold Stars just because.
  • Go shopping and only consider the needs of others.
  • Laugh when you toot.
  • Cry when it hurts.
  • Burp when necessary.
  • Smile with above mentioned dimples so people don't care about all of the burping, crying and farting.
  • Always have your Dora suitcase packed in case an adventure should suddenly arise.
  • Your purse should include a good book, a stuffed animal for company and chapstick, and mabye spare panties...
  • Everyone loves a tu-tu.
  • Love without limits.
  • Sing "Twinkie Twinkie Little Star" every night until you fall asleep...keeps the bad dreams away.
  • Eskimo kisses are good, even if they are a little snotty.
  • Love your brother, even when he's being "shelfish"
  • Ask for ice cream every morning for day you might get it.
  • Love your daddy.
  • Refer to the Lord as "My Jesus."
  • Drop anything for chocolate.
  • And...accesorize, accesorize, accesorize!  Fedora, boa, bracelets, tights....all of the above.
I love my Katie-Lou. :)