Sunday, July 24, 2011

A story of a boy...and his cup...

Hey check me out...bein' all bloggity bloggity two days in a row!

Now that I'm back in the blogging world, I have to give you one of my favorite Robin the Wonderoo moments from the past few weeks.  I've told it to a few people in person, so if you've heard it with it. =)

I know a bunch of you are aware Robin played baseball with a pitching machine for the first time this spring and we got the experience of buying him his first "athletic supporter" (AKA: The Cup).  He got pretty comfortable with his cup in no time, wearing it for every practice, around the house, watching cartoons, eating cereal...the actual little plastic cuppy thing also frequented the inside of purse...sometimes I needed to carry it around with us..."just in case, mom".

The only problem with the cup was that we only had one set of the little underoo things with the right pocket in which to wear the cup...and I would get frustrated trying to find and clean the underoo things multiple times a week (I know some of you probably have tips on how to fix this problem for's okay, we're all good now).

So, one night, it's later than normal bedtime, he's finally settling down to bed and I am getting him all tucked in...when I notice he's wearing the underoo things, again.

I sigh heavily, roll my eyes, and start to tell him to change out of the underoo things, knowing I'll need to make sure they're clean for his game the next day.

And then I stop myself before the words come out of my mouth....I'm realizing my wild and crazy seven year old boy is actually settling into bed without complaint or requesting more food...and realize it's not even worth asking him to get up to change.  So instead I say, "Rob-O, you've still got your baseball underoo's on, buddy, you need to stop wearing those all the time, remember?  We talked about this a few times now, but don't worry about it, just change in the morning, okay?..."

He starts to lay down on his stomach and I go to pull his sheets up when his eyes go wide and he sits straight up and looks at me.

"Mom!  I think I still have the cup in there!"

"Okay, Robin...." (this is the part where I'm still just getting used to life with a boy)

He opens up the waistband of his underoo things and sticks his hand down his pants.

I stand there waiting...

and waiting...

and waiting...

and waiting...

and waiting...

and wondering what on earth is down his he sits there....fidgeting....

and waiting...

and then he looks up at me with a big smile and just says, "Nope, it's not in there... that's just me!"

Rolls over, and goes to sleep.

And I laugh all the way back downstairs.

H :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Just a smidge of catchity catch up...

I've had a couple of people ask me about my blog and lack of, here I am posting.

I don't really have a good reason for being absent for (hang on, let me click back and see when I last posted...)...Holy cow May 6!  It's July for crying out loud!  What's wrong with me!  Okay, sorry to all of my 28 loyal followers...I'll work on it.

As I was saying, I don't really have a good reason for being so ridiculously absent, other than family vacations, my husband is job searching, tons of family and friends visiting, and the occasional shiny thing that flashes before my eyes and I forget what I'm actually supposed to be doing.

So, what's new around here:  I did start up a tiny new little business thingy.  I started writing some of my quirky little sayings on coffee mugs, they are called Sassy Sippers.  I bought TONS of mugs from thrift stores, (I decided to go all green and recycle cool) cleaned them up and wrote things I have floating around in my head on's slow to get going and I think I'm driving my husband crazy with piles of mugs everywhere and I could be a little high from the paint fumes, but I'm having a good time, and that's all that matters right?

Robin is now 7, and surprisingly better at being 7 than he was at being 6.  We celebrated Katie's 4 & 3/4 birthday in May with 75% of a hot fudge sundae.

Um, the dog got a haircut, Sean needs a haircut, I just cut Robin's hair, Katie would like her haircut...and I have been wearing lots of hats so I don't have to look at my hair.

Lots more things coming up soon for the Yount least we're hoping for some exciting things to start happening...will keep you posted, I promise!

I have a few stories I need to get down before I loose them in my mental rolodex, I'll start working on those soon too.

Do people even still use rolodexes?  There's probably a Google Rolodex I know nothing about...

Sorry, shiny thing.

Talk soon friends!

H :)