She is adorable and stubborn and sweet as pie. She is extravagant and a tomboy in a Cinderalla dress and cowboy boots. She is also wise beyond her years, and teaches me things on a daily basis:
- Your imagination can create anything....from a wedding cake, to a blizzard, to horses in the living room and swimming on the kitchen floor.
- A smile never hurts....neither do dimples.
- Howler monkeys are cool.
- Every outfit should be topped off with pink cowboy boots.
- Each day should begin with a hug for the dog.
- Mandarin oranges are yummy.
- Love your BFF.
- Give people Gold Stars just because.
- Go shopping and only consider the needs of others.
- Laugh when you toot.
- Cry when it hurts.
- Burp when necessary.
- Smile with above mentioned dimples so people don't care about all of the burping, crying and farting.
- Always have your Dora suitcase packed in case an adventure should suddenly arise.
- Your purse should include a good book, a stuffed animal for company and chapstick, and mabye spare panties...
- Everyone loves a tu-tu.
- Love without limits.
- Sing "Twinkie Twinkie Little Star" every night until you fall asleep...keeps the bad dreams away.
- Eskimo kisses are good, even if they are a little snotty.
- Love your brother, even when he's being "shelfish"
- Ask for ice cream every morning for day you might get it.
- Love your daddy.
- Refer to the Lord as "My Jesus."
- Drop anything for chocolate.
- And...accesorize, accesorize, accesorize! Fedora, boa, bracelets, tights....all of the above.
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