Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Robin the Wonderoo...

Robin's brain never ceases to amaze me.

I have cut his hair since he was a baby.

I used to do it with scissors and then as he got to be a toddler we moved on to electric clippers.

Now, for the most part, it's a very simple process, I don't have a cape, so we've kept the whole ordeal pretty basic.  I turn the shower on, while he strips down to his underwear and plops on a stool in our bathroom.  I buzz his head pretty quickly....taking extra care around his neck and ears and then he hops off the stool, unders are tossed over his shoulder and he hops in the shower.

We've done this routine for a few years now.

I have my hair cut by my "too cute for her own good" friend Sara.  She's young, blonde, and extremely adorable and Robin is, of course is completely aware of this fact.

The other day I told Robin I was going to have Sara cut his hair.

His face went blank, his eyes wide and a panicked look started to set in on his face.

And then he asked me, "she won't have to see my in my unders will she?!"

"Nope Robin, she won't see you in your unders."

Robin the Wonderoo....gotta love that kiddo.

H :)

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