Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just for giggles...

I was laying in bed last night....trying to get to sleep, but I couldn't because my mind was running a gajillion miles an hour....that little hamster on his wheel must be tired...and I thought about how my life is sometimes completely different than I ever imagined it would be.  All the things I do as a mom and a wife, trying to keep everything straight, feels overwhelming and it's messy and I spend a lot of time playing catch up....but then I thought it's all about perspective...it's all in how you look at it, and if I tweak things just a smidge....really my life is pretty glamorous, and actually I think no different from the rich and famous people I read about standing in line while preventing my kids from escaping the shopping cart at the grocery store.  Here's what I mean:
  • I am in demand everywhere I go, small people clamoring all over me
  • I have my own personal babysitter that I can call on anytime, day or night....it's the big talking, cartooning box thing in the corner of my living room...
  • I drive around in a limo (okay, the kids just call it that whenever I put their seats in the far back of my mama mini machine)
  • I have my own personal bill payer....if I forget to pay something, they totally call me and set up a payment right then and there over the phone...it's super convenient!
  • The greasy hair, wrinkled clothes look is in, right?  Oh wait, I live in North Idaho, so basically anything that provides warmth is "in"
  • My kids are famous performers, they sing and dance in front of everyone!
  • I am known to perform regularly in front of a very exclusive crowd (on my ukulele in my living room)
  • I cook for very picky critics
  • I eat only name brand Mac and Cheese
  • I am too busy to return phone calls, so my 4 year old does it for me...
  • Duh, I have a blog!
  • You can find me doing ridiculous things on YouTube
  • I am working hard in the area of preservation....I eat foods high in preservatives....that counts, right?  I'm sure it's good for the world, keeping those terrible things out of the hands of future generations...
  • Children aspire to be like me....okay, so they're my children....but who cares
  • I have a great time staying up until the wee hours of the morning.....mostly because that's the only time I finally get to myself....and I have a pretty good time with me...
  • I am a giant hypocrite
  • I am waiting for my sponsorship from Toyota to come thru....my sad little mini has survived my children, so everyone should drive one! (wink, wink)

See.....life ain't so bad or all that hard....just gotta squint, cock your head to the right, and kind of tilt your body sideways to look at it the right way!

H :)


  1. Cute post, Heidi! We truly are all blessed, aren't we? :)

  2. I can't tell you how much I needed that today! You are the best!
