Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yeah, I'm gonna change my name to "The Master of Disaster"

So, this has been the last week. 

-Infected blister followed by antibiotics they only give large farm animals
-Mole removal....still questionable
-My world is rocked when my grandpa passes away
-Husband out of town
-Dog keeps trying to run away
-The car is making weird noises and two of the four door handles are broken off
-Every closet in my house has chosen to vomit it's belongings
-My daughter is a booger magnet
-My son decided to see what it feels like to be a light bulb
-The new underwear I got, I hate, and I can't take it back
-Walmart sucks

However, all of this has been written in the time it took me to boil mac and cheese for my little lightening rod and mucus maker....yeah, that's right, I'm the master of disaster....any contenders?!

Oh, and I speak sarcasm fluently.

H :)


  1. I think *coping* is the word of the day......

  2. You are not only fluent - you are a sarcasm poet..
    and I believe it is warranted after your week..
    It soooo helps to blog vent though doesn't it!
